loving bond

Pikinini wrap feature

the most comfortable baby carrier on the market

highly recommended by physiotherapists for Mum and Baby

promotes bonding and helps to settle baby

totally hands free

2 position for discreet breast feeding

Wide shoulder wrap great for head and neck support great for newborn, premature baby or sleeping baby

DVD instructions

Guarantee If for any reason the Pikinini wrap does not suit you or your baby, and can be returned in new, unused and unwashed condition, we can refund all or part of your money

Stylish design

wash and wear

100% cotton

Supporting charity that related with babies, children and woman

The Many Benefits of Wearing Your Baby

Babies, who are worn, cry less. Studies carried out by doctors, hospitals and childcare workers in the US have shown that infants carried throughout the day, spend considerably less time crying than those who are not. Anthropologists who travel throughout the world studying infant-care practices in other cultures agree that infants in baby wearing cultures cry much less. Carrying your baby in a sling reduces her level of stress hormones. Sling babies have a reduced incidence of colic and are less susceptible to vomiting.

Sling worn babies learn more. As baby wearing advocate Dr William Sears noted "Sling babies spend more time in the state of quiet alertness. This is the behavioural state in which an infant is most content and best able to interact with his environment".

Wearing your baby is convenient. It is a lot easier to carry a sling around with you while out, than to cart around a hefty, bulky stroller. Slings are lightweight, very portable, do not get caught in aisles while shopping, and don't take up precious space while travelling by public transport or plane.

Babies feel secure being worn in a sling. Babies and toddlers love being worn in a sling. Baby wearing simulates the sensations of pressure, motion, warmth and security of the womb. They feel safe, are close to mum or dad, and are at a much better vantage point to take in the world around them.

Sling wearing makes breastfeeding easier. Slings are ideal for breastfeeding. Wearing your baby in a sling provides her with constant and easy access to breastfeeding, and makes feeding in public easy and discreet. The baby in the lying down position is at exactly the right position to access the breast, and you don't even have to be sitting down! Slings are also ideal for bottle feeding, ensuring a close and natural bond between mother and baby.

Baby wearing benefits Premature or Pre term infants. Baby wearing has been shown to strongly benefit premature infants and lower their mortality rate. It is the ideal extension of "Kangaroo Care" or skin to skin contact, a method favoured by Midwives and Obstetricians to promote parent/infant bonding in special care babies.

Baby wearing makes work easier. Baby wearing means you are holding bubs hands free, so it's easier to do several things at once. (Something mums are constantly doing!) It is also much easier to carry baby for long periods of time, unlike holding bubs in your arms which tends to get heavy and tiring.

Baby wearing brings you closer to your baby. Baby wearing promotes a loving close bond between mother and baby, or baby and its carer. When your baby is held close to you in a sling, you become very sensitive to each other's gestures and facial expressions. Baby often has no need to cry, as its needs are being met and anticipated while in the sling.

Slings are an ideal way to get baby to sleep. Nothing soothes a baby to sleep faster, than feeling safe, and warm, and secure, next to its mum. Babies sleep longer and more comfortably when in a sling.

Baby wearing promotes brain development. The natural movement and stimulation provided by being in a sling promotes neurological development. Because baby is intimately involved in the mother and father's world, she is exposed to, and participates in, the environmental stimuli that mother selects and is protected from those stimuli that bombard or overload her developing nervous system.

Slings can be used from birth until up to 3 years of age. Slings can be used to carry toddlers, from age 1-3 or above, in the hip or back carry positions. Often toddlers refuse to be carried, or pushed in a stroller, and wish to assert their independence by walking. However, they often grow tired before you're ready to go home, so a sling popped in your handbag, is great backup! Toddlers who were/are carried in slings often initiate separation sooner, and become more self-reliant

Pikinini Wrap is an optimal baby carrier for premature infants. Preemies are often prescribed to practice "kangaroo care" and this skin-to-skin practice used to increase birth weight can be easily achieved while wearing the Pikinini wrap.

back support The pikinini's ergonomic design, wraps around your torso, from shoulders to hips, reducing unnecessary strain on your shoulders, neck and back. It is recommended by physiotherapists for those with some chronic back problems.